Ara Lodge 348
Located in Auckland, Ara Lodge 348 is New Zealand’s first Masonic Lodge, attracting members from all walks of life, since her inception in 1842.
The History of Ara Lodge 348 dates back to September 5, 1842. On that date a Dispensation was signed by the Officers of the Australian Social Lodge, No. 260, I.C., Sydney, N.S.W which enabled those early Masons to hold a Lodge meeting.
The first meeting of the Lodge was held on February 9, 1843, when Sir Frederick Whitaker presided as Worshipful Master. Thus, Irish Freemasonry began in New Zealand.
From that date to the present, Freemasonry has flourished here in Auckland New Zealand.
The early members of Ara Lodge included many significant historical figures in both Auckland and New Zealand’s early history including:
William Mason – New Zealand’s first architect, who oversaw the establishment of Auckland’s original civic buildings (including Government House and St Paul’s Church)
Charles Heaphy – prominent artist and the first New Zealander to be awarded a Victoria Cross
Sir Frederick Whitaker – prominent lawyer, land speculator and Premier of New Zealand
William Wilson – founder of the New Zealand Herald
Dr Robert Kidd – first Headmaster of Auckland Grammar School and Registrar of Auckland University College

The Lodge flourished, and over the years, built Lodge rooms. Firstly in Princess St, Central Auckland, along with the Grand Hotel which was adjacent to the Lodge rooms. While those buildings are gone, the original historical façades are still present, proudly being the entrance and frontage to the new buildings built behind.
In 1927, the Lodge built new Lodge rooms on Airedale Street where Ara Lodge still holds its meetings.
Ara Lodge carries out significant charitable activities. The main annual events are:
The Ara Art Awards provides up to 32 scholarships each year to year 13 students continuing studies in the fine arts.
The Ara PPTA Music Competition is a music competition for year 7 and 8 students. This competition is in conjunction with the Auckland PPTA and is fast becoming known as the foremost music competition for. these talented students attending Intermediate school.
Ara Lodge is the Home of Irish Freemasonry in New Zealand and continues to flourish with the largest Lodge membership in the country.
Ara Lodge 348 meets on the first Monday of every month, (King's Birthday in June, held on the first Tuesday) except January and February, with the Installation in June on the Saturday closest to St. Johns Day.