Royal Arch Masonry
Royal Arch Masonry has long been regarded as an integral, in fact even an essential part, of a Freemason’s journey.
The Royal Arch degree is the continuation of the story of the Temple which is described in Masonic Craft Lodges. Royal Arch degrees are carried out in a Royal Arch Chapter and any Master Mason, of one year’s good standing, is entitled to become a Royal Arch Mason.
Irish Royal Arch Masonry has its own governing body, the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland, and within New Zealand the Irish Chapters are governed under the Provincial Grand Superintendent, Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New Zealand, Grand Lodge of Ireland.
An Irish Mason’s first encounter with a Royal Arch Chapter is in a Lodge of Mark Master Masons, where the degree of Mark Master Mason is conferred. The newly made Mark Master Mason then continues his journey and becomes a Royal Arch Mason.
The Mark Master Mason degree expands on the Masonic duties of fellowship and benevolence, while the Royal Arch degree contains impressive symbolic content and continues the legend contained in the Master Mason Degree. These two separate degrees complement a Freemason’s knowledge.
An Irish Royal Arch Chapter is usually attached to an Irish Masonic Lodge, meeting at their respective Lodge rooms. In New Zealand there are two Royal Arch Chapters; the Ara Royal Arch Chapter No. 348 attached to Ara Lodge No. 348 in Auckland, and the Hauraki Royal Arch Chapter No. 454 attached to the Lodge of Light No. 454 in Thames.

The Ara Royal Arch Chapter No. 348 was the first Chapter formed in New Zealand of any Constitution established within New Zealand with its first meeting held in 1861. However, it cannot claim to be the longest continuous operating Chapter because for a period of 22 years it was in recess and did not meet.
The honour of being the longest operating Irish Chapter rests with the Hauraki Royal Arch Chapter No.454 which was established in 1873 and regularly meets to this day.
Both these Chapters meet 5 times each year- Ara Chapter meets on the 2nd Monday of the months of March, May, July (Installation meeting), September and November.
Hauraki Chapter meets on the 2nd Monday of the months of April, June, August, October (Installation meeting) and December.