The Order of the Temple
This Order is otherwise known as Knights Templar.
Any reader seeking a detailed understanding of the history of the Orders of the Temple will find many volumes of references on the internet, in libraries, and in many other public sources, much of which can be regarded as speculative in content, whilst in some instances serious research may come closer to reality.
This introduction makes no attempt to educate the reader beyond what is known of the Masonic Orders of the Temple in Ireland as contained within our own historical archives. An outline of the history of the Order may be found on the link to the Great Priory website noted below.
Preceptories meet under the authority of the Great Priory of Ireland which resides in Dublin. Under the auspices of The Great Priory of Ireland there are currently eighty-four Preceptories in Ireland, one in South Africa and one in New Zealand. It is important to keep in mind that admission to this branch of Freemasonry within the Irish Constitution is by invitation and is applicable only to aspirants who confess the Christian Faith and express a belief in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
In Ireland, a candidate for Knight Templar masonry must also be a subscribing member of at least 5 years standing in a Craft Lodge warranted by The Grand Lodge of Ireland, and a subscribing member of at least 2 years standing in a Royal Arch Chapter warranted by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.
In New Zealand the Ara Preceptory No. 348, which was consecrated in 1965, meets at the Irish Masonic Centre, Auckland four times annually on the fourth Wednesday of February (Installation), May, August and November.